Welcome to LCLC
We are so excited that you are interested in camp at Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center! Explore the options and information below and please reach out if you have any questions.
We hope to see you this summer!
Mini Camp
$250; Completing Grades 1-3
​Week 4 (July 20 - 23)​​​
​​This half-week camp is for our youngest and newest campers. Lake time, exploring nature, games, and worship are just a few highlights to expect over this short but impactful time.
Classic Camp
$475; Completing Grades 3-8
Week 1 (June 29 - July 4)
Week 2 (July 6 - 11)
Week 4 (July 20 - 25)
Enjoy the classic camp experience with swimming, hiking, games, worships, fires, and much more!
Night Owls
$475; Completing Grades 8-12​
​Week 6 (August 3 - 8)
​This week will safely push your comfort zone and your sleep schedule! Stay up later than usual for the ultimate camp experience under the stars.​​​
Adventure Camp
$500; Completing Grades 8-12
Week 6 (August 3 - 8)
Experience all the adventure camp has to offer! Sailing, hiking, camping, and some meals over a fire are just some of the adventures of this week. Along with enjoying all the camp classics, no experience is out of reach this week!​
RATS (Recruits in Advanced Training for Service)
$830; Completing Grades 9-12
Weeks 1 & 2 (June 29 - July 11 )
Get ready to learn and serve over this two-week program. The first week will be a regular week of camp fun while the second week will have service opportunities in the local community. Campers will bond at camp over the weekend!
Senior High Week
$495; Completing Grades 8-12
Week 5 (July 27 - August 1)
​Join one of the most upbeat weeks of the summer! The Senior High Week is jam-packed with typical camp experiences and also filled with extra adventures, craziness, and close bonds while learning and exploring relationships and God.
Family Camp
For all ages and family units​
Week 3 (July 13 - 18)
This camp also has a half-week option to leave on Wednesday
Come to camp as a family to explore, play, and spend time together. Staff will lead activities for all ages to give a vacation experience unique to LCLC!
Confirmation Camp
Typically Completing Grades 6-9
​$465 for youth; $265 for adult
Week 3 (July 13-18)​
Congregations usually sign up for this camp as a group
Bring all your church friends and come to camp for a week of learning, fun, and growing your faith! This will be a confirmation experience like no other.